Secara umum penelitian ini bertujuan mendeskripsikan rantai pasok komoditas telur ayam ras petelur yang meliputi anggota, proses, produk, sumberdaya dan manajemen, serta hubungan antar atribut didalamnya yang akan dianalisis menggunakan kerangka proses Food Supply Chain Network (FSCN) yang dikaji meliputi sasaran rantai pasok, manajemen rantai pasok, struktur rantai pasok, sumber daya rantai pasok, dan proses bisnis rantai pasok. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa rantai pasok komoditas telur ayam ras (layer) di Kabupaten Bungo memiliki sasaran pasar yang cukup jelas, namum terdapat sasaran pengembangan yang harus dilakukan berupa penambahan jumlah kandang dan skala usaha ternak dalam meningkatkan produksi dan meningkatkan kualitas komoditas telur ayam ras (layer). Penerapan manajemen rantai pasok berjalan dengan baik. Selain itu dukungan pemerintah di Kabupaten Bungo sebelumnya hanya fokus pada sarana fisik. Struktur hubungan rantai pasok terdiri dari peternak ayam ras petelur (layer), PPP, PPB, agen/ distributor, PP, dan konsumen akhir. Sumber daya rantai pasok khususnya sumber daya fisik dan teknologi di Kabupaten Bungo masih sederhana. Proses bisnis rantai pasok berjalan dengan baik karena aliran produk, finansial, dan informasi berjalan lancar dan terintegrasi dengan baik.
Kata kunci: rantai pasokan; telur; ayam ras petelur
In general, this study aims to describe the supply chain of egg laying hens which includes members, processes, products, resources and management, as well as the relationships between attributes that will be analyzed using the Food Supply Chain Network (FSCN) process framework that is reviewed including supply chain targets, supply chain management, supply chain structure, supply chain resources, and supply chain business processes. The results showed that the supply chain of broiler egg commodities (layer) in Bungo District had a fairly clear market target, however there was a development target that had to be done in the form of increasing the number of cages and scale of livestock business in increasing production and increasing the quality of the commodity of broiler eggs (layer). The implementation of supply chain management is going well. In addition, government support in the Bungo Regency previously only focused on physical facilities. The supply chain relationship structure consists of layer broiler breeders, PPP, PPB, agents / distributors, PP, and end consumers. Supply chain resources, especially physical and technological resources in Bungo Regency are still simple. The supply chain business process runs well because the flow of products, finances, and information runs smoothly and is well integrated.
Keywords: supply chain; egg; laying hens
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