Concrete consists of a mix of cement, sand, gravel, and water. To get good concrete compressive strength in the process, concrete is added additional materials (admixture or additive); in general, concrete quality testing can be done in two ways, namely by destructive and non-destructive. In this study to determine the effect of adding palm shells with a mixture percentage of 12.5% and 60% of coarse aggregate on the compressive strength of standard concrete for seven days, 14 days, and 28 days as many as 27 test objects and to determine the comparative value of compressive strength of concrete using ASTM and Hammer tests.
The method used in this study is a quantitative method Testing the compressive strength of concrete for regular concrete aged seven days by 358.02 kg / cm2, 14 days by 372.63 kg / / cm2, and 28 days by 383.82 kg/cm2, decreased the compressive strength of concrete when added palm shells were by 12.5%, namely seven days old at 22.08%, 14 days old 20.74%, and 28 days old at 15.94%, and a decrease in the compressive strength of concrete with a mixture of palm shells by 60%, namely seven days old 38.31%, 14 days old 37.56% and 28 days old 33.27%. The test results of adding palm shells show that the compressive strength of concrete has decreased from standard concrete, but palm shells can still be said to be feasible as a mixture of K250 concrete with the planned concrete.
The test results using a concrete compressive strength machine for average definite aged seven days amounted to 358.02 kg / cm2, 14 days amounted to 372.63 kg / / cm2, and 28 days old amounted to 383.82 kg/cm2, experienced a difference in concrete compressive strength when testing using a hammer test, namely seven days old 36.55%, 14 days old 35.11% and 28 days old 34.54%, testing the compressive strength of concrete with a mixture of palm shells by 12.5% using a compressive strength machine for seven days of 278.97 Kg/cm2, 14 days of age 295.35 Kg/cm2 and 28 days of age 322.62 Kg/cm2, experienced a difference in concrete compressive strength when using hammer test testing, namely seven days old 23.47%, 14 days old 26.97% and 28 days old 28.05%, testing the compressive strength of concrete with a mixture of palm shells by 60% using a compressive strength machine for seven days of 220.85 Kg/cm2, 14 days of 232.68 Kg/cm2 and 28 days of 256.13 Kg/cm2, experienced a difference in concrete compressive strength when using hammer test testing, namely seven days old 8.24%, 14 days old 11.68% and 28 days old 15.33%. From the test results, it can be concluded that testing the compressive strength of concrete using a concrete compressive strength machine is greater than testing using a hammer test.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Jurnal KOMPOSITS
Jurnal Komposits, Online ISSN 2721-7256 (Online) is Published by Prodi Teknik Sipil Fakultas Teknik Universitas Muara Bungo