Editorial Policies

Editorial Policies

Focus and Scope

Stock Peternakan Merupakan Jurnal Yang menerbitkan artikel dengan Kajian benih, bibit, bakalan, ternak ruminansia indukan, pakan, alat dan mesin, budi daya ternak, panen, pasca panen, pengolahan, pemasaran, pengusahaan, pembiayaan dan sarana dan prasarana, unggas, teknologi pakan, hijauan, ternak ruminansia dan nonruminansia. 


Animal Husbandry Stock is a journal that publishes articles with studies on seeds, seedlings, feeders, ruminant broodstock, feed, tools and machinery, livestock cultivation, harvesting, post-harvest, processing, marketing, exploitation, financing and facilities and infrastructure, poultry, feed technology , forages, ruminants and non-ruminants.


Section Policies


Checked Open Submissions Checked Indexed Checked Peer Reviewed

Peer Review Process

Semua naskah yang dikirim dibaca dan ditelaah awal oleh oleh editor pelaksana. Naskah yang tidak sesuai dengan kriteria jurnal langsung ditolak tanpa melalui tinjauan oleh Mitra bebestari. Naskah yang dinilai baik oleh tim editor akan dikirimkan ke pengulas dengan metode blind review. Tim editor kemudian membuat keputusan berdasarkan rekomendasi pengkaji dari beberapa kemungkinan: ditolak, memerlukan revisi besar, perlu revisi kecil, atau diterima. Pemimpin Redaksi dan tim editor Jurnal  memiliki hak untuk memutuskan naskah mana yang layak untuk diterbitkan diterbitkan.

All submitted manuscripts are read and reviewed by the implementing editor. Manuscripts that do not meet the journal's criteria are immediately rejected without going through a review by Bebestari Partners. Manuscripts that are considered good by the editorial team will be sent to reviewers using the blind review method. The editorial team then makes a decision based on the reviewer's recommendations from several possibilities: rejected, required major revision, needed minor revision, or accepted. The Editor in Chief and the editorial team of the Journal have the right to decide which manuscripts are eligible for publication


Open Access Policy

Jurnal ini menyediakan akses terbuka langsung ke kontennya dengan prinsip bahwa membuat penelitian tersedia secara bebas untuk publik mendukung pertukaran pengetahuan global yang lebih besar.



This journal utilizes the LOCKSS system to create a distributed archiving system among participating libraries and permits those libraries to create permanent archives of the journal for purposes of preservation and restoration. More...


Publication Ethics

Publication Ethics

The Stock Peternakan Journal  is the official scientific publication of the ISSN from LIPI which is managed by the Agribusiness Study Program of the Faculty of Agriculture, Muara Bungo University. The Animal Science Journal publishes two editions for each volume in each year, namely January-June and July-December, Stock Peternakanan publishes the results of original research, thesis, thesis and review articles in the fields of animal science, Cows and dairy cattle, Small ruminants, Pigs and other farm animals, Horses and companion animals, Aquatic and wildlife species, poultry, pasture, feed technology
. Stock Peternakan also accepts scientific work from outside as long as it meets the criteria of this publication. The author is expected to send his writings that have never been published.  This statement of scientific code of ethics is a statement of code of ethics for all parties involved in the process of publishing scientific journals in this journal, namely managers, editors, peer-reviewers, and writers. The statement of code of ethics for scientific publications is based on the Head of LIPI Regulation No. 5 of 2014 concerning the Code of Ethics for Scientific Publications, which in essence is a Code of Conduct for Scientific Publications upholding three ethical values in publications, namely (i) Neutrality, which is free from conflicts of interest in managing publications ; (ii) Justice, namely to give authorship rights to those who are entitled as writers; and (iii) Honesty, which is free from duplication, fabrication, forgery, and plagiarism (DF2P) in publications.


Peer Review Process

Semua naskah yang dikirim dibaca dan ditelaah awal oleh oleh editor pelaksana. Naskah yang tidak sesuai dengan kriteria jurnal langsung ditolak tanpa melalui tinjauan oleh Mitra bebestari. Naskah yang dinilai baik oleh tim editor akan dikirimkan ke pengulas dengan metode blind review. Tim editor kemudian membuat keputusan berdasarkan rekomendasi pengkaji dari beberapa kemungkinan: ditolak, memerlukan revisi besar, perlu revisi kecil, atau diterima. Pemimpin Redaksi dan tim editor Jurnal Pemerintahan Desa memiliki hak untuk memutuskan naskah mana yang layak untuk diterbitkan diterbitkan.
All submitted manuscripts are read and reviewed early by the managing editor. Manuscripts that do not match the criteria of the journal are immediately rejected without going through a review by the Bebestari Partner. Manuscripts that are considered good by the editorial team will be sent to reviewers using the blind review method. The editorial team then made a decision based on the reviewer's recommendations from several possibilities: rejected, required major revisions, needed minor revisions, or accepted. The Chief Editor and the editorial team of the Village Government Journal have the right to decide which manuscripts are suitable for publication


Focus and Scope

Stock Peternakan Merupakan Jurnal Yang menerbitkan artikel dengan Kajian benih, bibit, bakalan, ternak ruminansia indukan, pakan, alat dan mesin, budi daya ternak, panen, pasca panen, pengolahan, pemasaran, pengusahaan, pembiayaan dan sarana dan prasarana, unggas, teknologi pakan, hijauan, ternak ruminansia dan nonruminansia. 


Animal Husbandry Stock is a journal that publishes articles with studies on seeds, seedlings, feeders, ruminant broodstock, feed, tools and machinery, livestock cultivation, harvesting, post-harvest, processing, marketing, exploitation, financing and facilities and infrastructure, poultry, feed technology , forages, ruminants and non-ruminants.


Online Submission

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Open Access Policy

This journal provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge.