Kata kunci: cabai merah, kunyit, bawang dayak, rumput gajah, paket teknologi intensif, teknologi biasa
The main obstacle to the low national scale production of chili is the limited cultivation technology that is owned due to a lack of technological information, so that increasingly advanced technological developments require improvements or modifications to existing cultivation technology components applied by farmers to increase income. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of intensive crop cultivation technology packages on the health of growth and yield of red chilies which are protected from pests. The study used the T test method to test two variables with 3 replications. The table used to compare the test statistics and arithmetic statistics is the t table. An intensive chilli cultivation technology package that is intercropped with turmeric plants, Kalimantan onions and elephant grass. The results showed that the height of the elephant grass plant, the height of the turmeric plant, the height of the red chili plants, the number of leaves of the turmeric plant, was not significantly different, but it was different in the number of clumps of elephant grass, the height of Dayak plants, the number of Dayak leeks, and the yield of red chilies real difference. So the conclusion is that the application of an intensive technology package is better for red chili staple crops but for intercropping plants it depends on the durability and suitability of the types of plants adopted.Keywords : red chilies, turmeric, Dayak onions, elephant grass, intensive technology packages, ordinary technology
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